Stop fighting your tools and let Animation become Acting with TAFA!
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Through Mac Reiter Creations
NOW Only $200 for Electronic Delivery!
"Makes facial animation a breeze. Because it renders interactively on the fly there's no need to render and re-render over and over."
- Tom Roth,
Animator on Shrek, Stuart Little,
Scooby Doo, Dinosaur, and Hercules
- Full support for LightWave®'s Endomorph embedded morph system!
- Integrates directly with LightWave® through LightWave®'s built-in Morph Mixer or .MDD parser.
- Use your animation with any 3D application that reads .MDD animation files, XSI®, Maya® and 3DS Max®, (with
3rd party plug-ins).
- Intelligent Parser lets you actually set-up TAFA as you create your Morph Targets!
- TAFA automatically splits Symmetrical Morphs into Left and Right halves for you!
- Morph Remapper lets you use animations with Characters that have different Morph Target names!
- Playback & Record with or without "Pre-Roll" and Punch-In/Out!
- Work your Scene using TAFA's powerful Curve Editors or use TAFA's ultra-powerful Exposure Sheet!
- "Scrub" dialogue as fast as you move your mouse - hear & see each frame's sound & animation!
- Drag-and-drop interface for lightning-fast dialogue animation!
- Unlimited animation Tracks With groundbreaking technology that plays hundreds as quickly as it plays a handful!
- Cut / Copy / Paste / Slide Keyframes, all while the animation is playing!
- Fully Customizable, Scalable interface remembers your three favorite layouts!
- Ex/Im-port single or multiple tracks between animations!
- Multiple levels of Un/Re-Do!
Interested in the Facial Animation software or have questions about it? Drop us a line...
Requires Windows® 2000 or higher with OpenGL® support,
1024x768 24bit screen resolution minimum, sound card,
10MB free disk space and at least 256 MB RAM. Requires
external 3D application for creation of models in LightWave®
Object (.LWO) format and for rendering animations from
Morph Mixer or Motion Designer (.MDD) animation file
format. - LightWave® 3D 7.5 or higher recommended.