TAFA's Morph Remapper


TAFA's Morph Remapper opens when you Select a model that's Morph Names don't match-up with those actively being used in your fa_scene.

On the left half of the Morph Remapper window, you'll see the Morph Name(s) in question, and on the right, you are able to choose from a list of all available Morphs in the incoming model. (You can also choose to Discard the animation data for the Morph in question.)

This allows for the greatest flexibility in model revision during Production, and easy migration of assets from one Production to another.




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  • NOTE: This comes in especially handy if you want to apply your TAFA animation using Morph Mixer, but you've already animated your scene using a model where TAFA has split Symmetrical Morphs, (requiring .MDD application).

  • NOTE: If TAFA has split a Symmetrical Morph into left and right components, you will see a "tilde" (~) beginning the Morph's Name to indicate that the Morph has been created within TAFA.